Now, you can get your FSSAI License online for your food business. It is just a couple of clicks and calls away. follows a 100% online process for FSSAI License Registration regardless of your location.
What is FSSAI?
Who requires FSSAI Registration and License?
FSSAI is an abbreviation for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. FSSAI is an independent body recognized under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India that manages the food license registration. This organization works for securing the Laws and Standards for Food Business in India. The main aim of FSSAI is to regulate and check for safe food manufacturing, storage, and handling practices by Food Business Operators (FBOs). A FSSAI registration certificate comes with a 14 digit License number to FBOs which is required to be printed on all the food products with FSSAI logo. The license can be applied for a minimum 1 year to maximum 5 years; it can again be renewed or re-applied for as per rules stated under Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.
Every person who wants to start Food Business including cloud kitchen for Swiggy and Zomato has to mandatorily obtain FSSAI Registration or FSSAI License online. However, it sometimes becomes difficult for a food business operator to decide – which license to opt for: State or Central. Let us help you to understand the eligibility criteria so that you can quickly proceed for online FSSAI registration and acquire requisite food license.
Here are few examples of business that require FSSAI Registration and License:
What is applicable to you: FSSAI Registration or FSSAI License?
FSSAI Registration?
FSSAI License?
Simply called FSSAI Basic Registration. This registration is appropriate for all food businesses and allied activities like Storage, sales, distribution, trading, re-packaging and labelling. Food Businesses having a turnover of less than 12 lacs are eligible to obtain FSSAI Basic Registration. Mostly hawkers, petty retailers, temporary stall holders come under this category. This food license registration online registration is very useful for eCommerce food traders.
There are two types of FSSAI licences:
State License
Eligibility: Food Businesses having turnover above Rs.12 lacs and up to Rs. 20 crores can opt for State License.
Central License
Eligibility: Those in the food business and has a turnover of Rs.20 crores and above are required to obtain Central FSSAI License.
Declaration Form
Authority Letter
Photo Identity of FBO.
Photo Identity of FBO.
3 Passport Size Photographs - (Proprietor / Partner / Director)
Proof of possession of Place of Business such as Rent Agreement, NOC etc.
Electricity Bill or Water Bill of the business premises
Constitution of Business such as Incorporation Certificate, Partnership Deed etc.
Property Tax Bill
Product List to be dealt with.
Form-A Completed and Signed
Plan stating Food Safety Management System.
Constitution of Business such as Incorporation Certificate, Partnership Deed etc.
Form B duly completed and signed
List of food category to be manufactured
Rent Agreement, if applicable
Property Tax Bill of Business premises
B. U. Permission / Impact Fee Receipt
Medical Certificate Of Workers
NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer
Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship
Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act 1861/Multi state Coop Act 2002
Certificate of Incorporation of LLP / Private Limited Company
Shop & Establishment Certificate with Professional Tax Certificate
PAN of the Business (Partnership / Private Limited Company / LLP)
MOA /AOA of Private Limited Company and LLP Agreement of LLP
Certificate of Incorporation of LLP / Private Limited Company
2 Passport Size Photographs - (Proprietor / Partner / Director)
Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability
Proof of possession of premises- Electricity Bill (latest)
Index Copy (if the applicant id the owner of the place)
Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity
Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation
List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID
Form B duly completed and signed
PAN CARD (Proprietor / Partner / Director)
Rent Agreement, if applicable
Property Tax Bill of Business premises
Blueprint of the area (Layout Plan)
IE code document issued by DGFT
Certificate from Ministry of Tourism
NOC from the municipality or local body
Photographs of Machinery and Lab Instruments
Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship
List of food category to be manufactured
Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU
NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer
Food safety management system plan or certificate
Proof of possession of premises- Electricity Bill (latest)
Index Copy (if the applicant id the owner of the place)
Supporting document for proof of turnover and transportation
MOA /AOA of Private Limited Company and LLP Agreement of LLP
Certificate of Incorporation of LLP / Private Limited Company
Address Proof and Identity of the Partners/ Proprietor/ Director
PAN of the Business (Partnership / Private Limited Company / LLP)
Shop & Establishment Certificate with Professional Tax Certificate
List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address and contact details
Source of raw material for milk, meat etc (only required for Milk/ meat unit)
List of products along with ingredient and additives list to be manufactured
Source of raw material for milk, meat etc (only required for Milk/ meat unit)
Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
FSSAI License Certificate of Manufacturer along with NOC copy (required for Re-Packer)
Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation
Balance Sheet and P&L Statement of Financial Year (For Wholesaler/Retailer/ Supplier/Distributor KOB)
Name and list of equipment and machinery used for manufacturing along with Quantity, details of Horse Power and Production Capacity
CGWA NOC if the water is been used from bore-well, if not than an undertaking of water supply along with valid proof (If the units are situated within the limits of Gandhinagar, Kalol, Mansa and Mehsana)
Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability.
1. Water Report as per IS 10500 from a NABL Accredited Lab
2. Water Report as per IS 14543 from a NABL Accredited Lab (Required For Packaged Drinking Water Only)
A packet of food with the FSSAI logo means that it is of a certain standard and hygienic to consume. Taking a FSSAI online license helps spread awareness among the consumers which automatically helps building the goodwill in the market which can drive business expansion.
FSSAI license is mandatory for every food business. Many businesses say that getting an FSSAI license is a tricky and lengthy task, but can help you with the process of getting a license quickly. Getting an online FSSAI registration always gives legal benefits over the competitors who are operating without the license. The FBOs and other food business entrepreneurs can avoid many penalties if they have proper registrations required to run their business.
Food is one of the essential parts of life. So, it is essential to know the quality of goods we consume. With several products and types of food in the market, knowing the quality and standard of the item is very important for every consumer. This is one of the most important benefits of having an online FSSAI License on a food product. The license depicts that the food which consumer is consuming has maintained the hygiene standards and norms as per the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.